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2015–16 Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies Dissertation Writing and Mid-Career Fellowship Competition

The Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies is please to announce that our fellowship search for the 2015–2016 seminar is  open.

The deadline for Doctoral Student and Mid-Career Faculty Applications: March 9, 2015 no later than noon. Please see sciencestudies.gc.cuny.edu for more information.

The Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies invites applications from recently tenured-faculty, CUNY doctoral students, and PhDs eligible for Postdoctoral Fellowships, who would like to participate in a research seminar on the theme “Animals, Humans, and Machines.”

Much research on mind and behavior focuses on human beings, but many have recognized that there is great value in studying other kinds of beings both as entities of interest in their own right, or to gain perspective on human minds.  This includes the study of non-human animals, as well as new kinds of agency that are emerging through technology.  In this seminar, we will focus on issues pertaining to different kinds of minds.  Possible research areas include:

Participants will present work in progress in a seminar setting and participate in related events.  We are looking for members of the CUNY community who are engaged in research projects that connect with the themes above.  We will give priority to applicants whose work crosses disciplinary boundaries. 


Applications are invited from doctoral candidates in the humanities and humanistic social sciences such as anthropology, religion, sociology, philosophy, political science, history, English, art history, and comparative literature who engage our seminar topic, “Animals, Humans, and Machines.” This fellowship is only open to Graduate Center doctoral candidates (i.e. you must be Level III. There are no exceptions).

Fellows will be expected to participate in the Committee seminar as well as ongoing lectures and symposia. It is a condition of the fellowship that fellows leave this time free in their schedules for these meetings.

With generous support from the Provost’s Office and the Graduate Center, CUNY, successful candidates will be granted $10,000 total for Fall 2015 – Spring 2016 in return for a commitment to fully participate in the work of the Committee and in the weekly seminar. The basis for selection of participants will rest primarily on the relevance to the overall project of the work proposal submitted by applicants. In accord with the interdisciplinary aim of the program, selections will also be made with an eye to maintaining disciplinary diversity.



The Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies invites mid-career faculty from the humanities and humanistic social sciences such as anthropology, religion, sociology, philosophy, political science, history, English, art history, and comparative literature who engage and transect our seminar topic. With generous support from the Graduate Center and the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, successful candidates will be granted two course releases from college teaching requirements, to be distributed across the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 semesters at their department’s discretion, in return for a commitment to fully participate in the work of the Committee and in the weekly seminar.

The basis for selection of participants will rest primarily on the relevance to the overall project of the work proposal submitted by applicants. In accord with the interdisciplinary aim of the program, selections will also be made with an eye to maintaining disciplinary diversity. Applicants must be tenured, and preference will be given to faculty in the early stages of career development (i.e. within ten years of receiving tenure).

Fellows will be expected to participate in the biweekly Committee seminar as well as ongoing lectures and symposia.