Recent UpdatesNina Emery (Mount Holyoke College) Thursday, November 2, 4:00pm-6:00pm CUNY Graduate Center, The Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies, Room 5307 There will be a reception following the talk. All are welcome! “Laws and Their Instances” I present an argument for the view that laws ground their instances. I then outline two important [Read More…] Friday, October 13 Room 5307 Sponsored by the Self, Motivation, and Virtue Project Hosted by the Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies (Open to all. No registration required) Program9:30-9:45 Introduction and Welcome 9:45-11:15 Javier Gomez-Lavin, Shaun Nichols, Jesse Prinz, and Nina Strohminger (CUNY, Arizona, Penn), “Investigating the Moral Self” 11:30-1:00 Linda Skitka (UIC, Psychology), “Do the Means Always Justify [Read More…] Tuesday, April 25, 2017 CUNY Graduate Center, Room 5307 Jesse Prinz (CUNY) In philosophy of mind and semantic theory, strong forms of realism continue to be popular. Our concepts are presumed to pick our kinds whose joints are given by nature. This picture is said to take science seriously, and philosophers [Read More…] Massimo Pigliucci: “Do we need a new evolutionary synthesis?” 1/31 4:30-6:30 Room 5307 Hosted by Metro Area Philosophers of Science group and the Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies The theory of evolution has evolved, so to speak, a number of times since Darwin and Wallace [Read More…] Philosophy has recently undergone an experimental turn, with a growing use of experimental methods to address philosophical questions. That shift has already had an enormous impact in ethics and is now just beginning to penetrate political theory. This workshop profiles that latest development. Program 11-11:50: Matthew Lindauer & Nicholas Southwood |
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