Room 5307
Sponsored by the Self, Motivation, and Virtue Project
Hosted by the Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies
Program9:30-9:45 Introduction and Welcome
9:45-11:15 Javier Gomez-Lavin, Shaun Nichols, Jesse Prinz, and Nina Strohminger
(CUNY, Arizona, Penn), “Investigating the Moral Self”
11:30-1:00 Linda Skitka (UIC, Psychology), “Do the Means Always Justify the Ends or Do the Ends
Sometimes Justify the Means? A Value Protection Model of Justice reasoning”
Lunch break
2:30-4:00 George Newman (Yale, Management), “The True Self”
4:15-5:45 Marya Schechtman (UIC, Philosophy), “In My Life: Agency and Diachronic Identity”
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