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Friday, May 15th – Natural Divisions? The Impact of Classification Schemes on Culture and Society: day-long workshop

The Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies presents:

Natural Divisions?  The Impact of Classification Schemes on Culture and Society

Friday, May 15th 2015 | 10:30-5:00 pm

Room 5307

A day long workshop at the CUNY, Graduate Center exploring the implications of human classification across a range of different domains – science, social behavior, education, literature, and [Read More…]

2015–16 Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies Dissertation Writing and Mid-Career Fellowship Competition

The Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies is please to announce that our fellowship search for the 2015–2016 seminar is  open.

The deadline for Doctoral Student and Mid-Career Faculty Applications: March 9, 2015 no later than noon. Please see sciencestudies.gc.cuny.edu for more information.

The Committee for Interdisciplinary Science Studies invites applications from recently tenured-faculty, CUNY doctoral students, and PhDs eligible [Read More…]